Century Organic Tea 百年古树茶 (Over 100 years old)
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Our Century Organic Tea is uniquely different from other normal farmed/cultivated organic tea since it is harvested once a year from at least 100-years old rare wild tea trees at the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) of Yunnan, China that contained extremely high nutrients derived from the organic nutrient-rich soil that helps to improve our overall health where most people do not experience such health benefits from other organic tea or even health supplements.
The extremely high organic nutrients of our Century Organic Tea derived from the following main factors :-
1. At least 100-years old compared to other farmed/cultivated organic tea or plant-based health food that are produced from several months' or years' old plants.
2. Grew naturally at the height of more than 8 meter (26 ft) at the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) with organic nutrient-rich soil that are pollution-free.
3. Harvesting once a year allow the organic soil more time to replenish the organic nutrients compared to other farmed/cultivated organic tea or plant-based health food that are produced from plants harvested several times a year.
4. Deep roots of the century old wild tea tree with at least 10meter (33ft) deep can absorb more nutrients from deep earth to nourish the tree especially the leaves.
5. 100% organic in every step of the process right to your home from grown naturally without fertilizer, harvested by hand on top of a tree, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun and packed by hand using tea bags made of natural corn fiber material instead of commonly used non-woven fabrics or food grade material that are chemically produced.
The nutrients are *Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), Antioxidants, Calorie Free, an amino acid called L-theanine, Polysaccharides and many more beneficial properties that helps in improving our overall health.
Other beneficial properties, Catechin (powerful anti-oxidation and anti-aging effect), Vitamin C, Potassium (reduce high blood pressure, prevent strokes, reduce other heart diseases), Minerals (Calcium, Manganese, etc), Methylxanthines (helps in respiratory system like cough, alertness, reduce heart diseases, improved blood circulation, raised HDL ("good") & reduces LDL ("bad") cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, improved cognition & brain health etc), enzymes.
One of the main function of our Century Organic Tea is to improve the blood circulatory system so that it's or other nutrients can be deliver to all the cells in the body. Century Organic Tea improved the blood circulation by treating the cause of the bad blood circulation like regulate our Blood Pressure, regulate Blood Sugar or Glucose Level, raised HDL ("good") & reduces LDL ("bad") cholesterol and others.
The followings are some of the health benefits: -
Eyes Benefits - Improvement on eye illnesses like Floaters, Presbyopia, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Night Blindness and many others.
Other Health Benefits - Cured or reduce nighttime urination (Nocturia) and uric acid, regulate blood sugar or glucose level and improved how the body metabolized sugar or glucose, improve kidney functions, helps in skin diseases, thyroid, prostate, insomnia, reduce tumor, reduce inflammation, reduce risk of heart attack and stroke, slimming, anti-ageing, hair growth, increase libido, boost in immune system, regulate blood pressure, lower “Bad” LDL Cholesterol, helps in relaxation, improve alertness & focus, reduced side effect or discomfort after vaccination and many more.
Our Century Organic Tea earned the title as a Miracle Super Supplement by locals after experiencing Amazing Health Benefits when we started in mid 2021.
Let our customers speak for us at the reviews below to address any doubts or disbelieves.
The amazing beneficial properties are due to the deep roots of the century old wild tea tree with at least 10meter (33ft) deep as shown below that are able to absorb more nutrients from deep earth to nourish the tree especially the leaves. Century old wild tea tree grows naturally at high mountain with organic nutrient-rich soil and does not need any fertilizer that are commonly used on the cultivated/farmed tea tree. Due to the age and deep root, the century old wild tea tree grows much higher compare to cultivated/farmed tea tree that required the farmers to climb the tea tree in order to harvest as shown on the image and video clip below.
Our Century Organic Tea is 100% organic in every step of the process from harvest, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun and packed by hand using tea bags that are made of natural corn fiber material instead of commonly used non-woven fabrics or food grade material that are chemically produced.
* EGCG Benefits
- Protects Against Cell Damage (Antioxidant)
- Helps Fight Disease. Rich in polyphenols - Have the potential to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and many others.
- Aids in Weight Loss
- Anti Inflammation
- Increases Brain Function
- Helps in Neurological diseases
- Boost Memory
- Helps Depression
- Helps in Liver Health
- Helps in Kidney health
- Fight Infections
- Improved Prostate
- Stimulate Autophagy
- Anti-carcinogenic
- Boost Healthy Skin (Acne, Aging and more)
Watch the video below to master a simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Diagnosis to Detect Potential Stroke, Heart Diseases and other illnesses caused by Bad Blood Circulation before it Happens and How our Century Organic Tea helps.
This also works as an antidepressant tea which promotes a sense of well-being and alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety. It also has calming effects and potential to reduce stress and improve one's emotional state.
This century old tea is one of the best liver detox tea with many liver-cleansing properties. It stimulates liver function, enhances the body's natural detox processes, and assist in removing toxins and impurities from the liver.
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How to Order?
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Free Shipping and a Special Gift (Not on Festival Sale) with order US$100 or more (after discount). No Discount Code required.
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How to prepare?
How to prepare?
The following recommended preparation of the Century Organic Tea are based on our studies with traditional tea experts and survey conducted from thousands of tea drinkers that experienced optimum health benefits following the guidelines.
For the 1st Steep, use about *80°C (176°F) water temperature. For the 2nd Steep onward, use boiling temperature (100°C / 212°F). Each steeping duration is about 10 seconds to 3 minutes with about 100ml (3.38fl oz) water depend on individual taste preference. 2 x Steeping duration with 200ml (6.76fl oz) water. Longer steeping time, stronger the taste. Gradually increase the steeping duration by about 10 seconds with each subsequent re-steep in order to extract the nutrients and maintain the preference taste.
Example:- If you are steeping 1 tea bag with about 100ml (3.38fl oz) water for 10 seconds on the 1st steep and found that the taste suits you then subsequently increase by about 10 seconds for each subsequent re-steep in order to achieve the same taste that suit you on the 1st steep. Do not steep till the water is cold or the taste is bitter for consumption.
Make sure the lid is close when steeping. Remove the tea bag(s) after steeping and before drinking.
* Cool for about 3 minutes immediately after boiled to achieve 80°C (176°F).
***Do not leave the tea bag soak in water after steeping and while drinking.
- Use about 100ml (3.38fl oz) to 200ml (6.76fl oz) water per steep depending on your convenience with recommended minimum 500ml (16.90fl oz) and maximum 1 liter (33.81fl oz) consumption per person per day.
- Best consume warm minutes after steeping. Best to sip a cup of warm tea several times rather than down it all at once. Do not heat up the cold tea water using hot water or any other ways for consumption. Do not consume cold or overnight tea or re-steep used tea bag for next day consumption. This point is especially important for someone that have gastric or stomach problem, eg. discomfort or ulcers. Steeped tea will oxidized when left too long before consumption and oxidized tea is less effective to health. Do not re-steep the previous day used tea bag for consumption the next day.
After the last re-steep for consumption at the end of the day, you can use the leftover tea leaves in several ways: -
- Consume the tea leaves after the last re-steep. (Recommended)
- Re-steep the tea bag with boiling water till it is cool before you use the tea water to wash your eye, face, hair or wash your skin problem, preferably warm if use for soaking. Repeat the application, if needed. Do not need to wash away the tea water from your eyes or skin with clean water unless you feel uneasy like itchiness.
- Soak the cotton pads with the warm re-steep tea water and place the cotton pad over the closed eyelids for any eye problem or place it on the skin with problem for 5 to 15 minutes, repeat, if needed.
- Store the tea water in a spray bottle for the eye or skin usage (preferably do not store the tea water for more than 36 hours).
**For person with busy schedule and do not have time to steep tea, we would recommend that you placed 1 to 3 dried tea leaves removed from a tea bag in the mouth and allow it to soften slowly (about 30 minutes) before you chew and swallow the soggy tea leaves several times a day. Do not chew and swallow the tea leaves immediately once it is placed in the mouth. Most effective for health benefits when it is allow to soften slowly in the mouth before chewing and swallow it.
Other usages of the leftover tea leaves:-
- As organic fertilizer
- Mixed with animal feeds especially pet food for dogs or cats. Many testimonials on improving animal skin problem.
- Stored for later external usage but make sure to dry the tea leaves first before storage. High humidity or wet tea leaves greatly increase the risk of mold development or bacteria growth.
You can dry the tea leaves in several ways: -
3. Drying in a microwave. Put a paper towel on top of a plate, then spread the tea leaves as evenly as possible. Place another paper towel on top of the leaves and put the plate inside your microwave. The paper towels will absorb the moisture that’s evaporated from the tea leaves.
Use the microwave for 1 minute and then check if the leaves are dry or not. Repeat this procedure for 30-second increments until the leaves become dry. If you overdo it, you’ll burn the leaves so be careful.
Information on A Truly 100% Organic Tea with Amazing Health Benefits
Things to take note
Things to take note
- Use only glass or porcelain material for steeping and drinking. For easier and convenient steeping and drinking, you can use a glass steeping bottle or cup like Image 1 below. Do not use metals or ceramic teapot make of clay or other materials.
- Store in odorless and dry place since the tea leaves is prone to absorbing unwanted smells like fragrance or moisture especially when dried. Preferably store in separate box or container in a dry and ventilated place with temperature of (24-28°C / 75-82°F). The storage location should avoid direct sunlight and rain. Dispose the teabags if it is accidentally dampened by water during storage since the tea leaves might be contaminated by mold.
- 1 to 5 tea bags per person per day consumption. Preferably steep and re-steep the 1 to 5 tea bags at the same time for the day.
- Use about 100ml (3.38fl oz) to 200ml (6.76fl oz) water per steep depending on your convenience with recommended minimum 500ml (16.90fl oz) and maximum 1 liter (33.81fl oz) consumption per person per day.
- Best consume warm minutes after steeped. Best to sip a cup of warm tea several times rather than down it all at once. Do not heat up the cold tea water using hot water or any other ways for consumption. Do not consume cold or overnight tea or re-steep used tea bag for next day consumption. This point is especially important for someone that have gastric or stomach problem, eg discomfort or ulcers. Steeped tea will oxidized when left too long before consumption and oxidized tea is less effective to health. Overnight tea or used tea bag(s) can be used for external usage or animal consumption.
- Preferably consume at least 1 hour after full meals and at least 2 hours after medication. Best time, after breakfast and after lunch. Do not drink on an empty stomach. Do not drink large amount at one time.
- Do not mix the tea with other beverages or add any sugar or creamer. Drink the tea as-it-is.
- The aroma and taste of the century organic tea may vary from order to order due to the different seasonal or location of harvest.
User Reactions
1. For caffeine sensitivity, dispose the water on the 1st steep or first 2 steeps depending on individual caffeine tolerance level by observing the following symptoms:-
a. Headache
b. Jitters
c. Insomnia
d. Restlessness
e. Anxiousness
f. Racing heartbeate. Anxiousness
g. Higher urgency and frequency of urination that irritates the bladder
Example: - If you experience the above symptoms on the day then dispose the water from the 1st steep on the next day consumption and in case you still experience the above symptoms then dispose the first 2 steeps on the following day consumption and so on. Based on our analysis, most of the caffeine of the tea are removed after the first 2 steeps.
Steep with about 200ml (6.76fl oz) water at boiling temperature (100°C / 212°F) for about 30 seconds to remove the caffeine.
Century Organic Tea contain lower level of caffeine compared to other tea or coffee.
The disposed tea water can be used as follows: -
a. Mix with animals or pets drinking water or wash any skin problems. It has anti inflammation properties. Many testimonials on improving skin problems.
b. Water the plants
c. Wash your skin especially face or hair. Many testimonials on improving the skin problem like acne, rashes, wound, hair loss and others. Improve the skin texture and elasticity. Do not need to wash away the disposed tea water from your skin with clean water unless you feel uneasy like itchiness.
d. Wash your eyes.
2. Other reactions
a. Dizziness or easily tired – Due to lowered blood sugar or glucose or lowered blood pressure properties of the tea.
Reduce the consumption of the tea or consume some sugary food or drinks if you are not on diabetic or high blood pressure medication. If you are on medication, please refer to our Caution section for further instruction.
1. For Diabetic patients on medication, please monitor your blood sugar or glucose level while taking your diabetic medication and our Century Organic tea. The reason is because once our tea improved your pancreas in regulating your sugar or glucose level, your blood sugar or glucose level might drops drastically if you are still on medication. Symptoms of low blood sugar or glucose: -
a. Feeling tired
b. Dizziness
c. Feeling hungry
d. Tingling lips
e. Feeling shaky or trembling
f. Fast or pounding heartbeat (palpitations)
g. Becoming easily irritated, tearful, anxious, or moody
h. Turning pale
With that, we would suggest that you consult your doctor if you could slowly reduce or stop your diabetic medication if you found your blood sugar or glucose level had dropped more than usual after consuming our Century Organic tea. We believe the natural way in regulating your blood sugar or glucose by improving the body metabolized sugar or glucose is a much better way than depending on medication.
The above Caution apply similarly to High Blood Pressure or High Cholesterol patients on medication once you experience the symptoms of much lower blood pressure or bad cholesterol after consuming our Century Organic Tea. Please consult your doctor if you could slowly reduce or stop your medication if you found your blood pressure or bad cholesterol have dropped more than usual after consuming our Century Organic tea.
Drink our Century Organic Tea at least 2 hours after taking medication.
2. Reduced consumption during menstrual period. Do not consume during pregnancy or age below 5 years old.
Glass Steeping Bottle and Cup

Information on A Truly 100% Organic Tea with Amazing Health Benefits
1. What so special about Century Organic Tea compare to other organic tea brand or even health supplements?
Our Century Organic Tea is uniquely different from other normal farmed/cultivated organic tea since it is harvested once a year from at least 100-years old rare wild tea trees at the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) of Yunnan, China that contained extremely high nutrients derived from the organic nutrient-rich soil that helps to improve our overall health where most people do not experience such health benefits from other organic tea or even health supplements.
The extremely high organic nutrients of our Century Organic Tea derived from the following main factors :-
1. At least 100-years old compared to other farmed/cultivated organic tea or plant-based health food that are produced from several months' or years' old plants.
2. Grew naturally at the height of more than 8 meter (26 ft) at the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) with organic nutrient-rich soil that are pollution-free.
3. Harvesting once a year allow the organic soil more time to replenish the organic nutrients compared to other farmed/cultivated organic tea or plant-based health food that are produced from plants harvested several times a year.
4. Deep roots of the century old wild tea tree with at least 10meter (33ft) deep can absorb more nutrients from deep earth to nourish the tree especially the leaves.
5. 100% organic in every step of the process right to your home from grown naturally without fertilizer, harvested by hand on top of a tree, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun and packed by hand using tea bags made of natural corn fiber material instead of commonly used non-woven fabrics or food grade material that are chemically produced.
The nutrients are *Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), Antioxidants, Calorie Free, an amino acid called L-theanine, Polysaccharides and many more beneficial properties that helps in improving our overall health.
Other beneficial properties, Catechin (powerful anti-oxidation and anti-aging effect), Vitamin C, Potassium (reduce high blood pressure, prevent strokes, reduce other heart diseases), Minerals (Calcium, Manganese, etc), Methylxanthines (helps in respiratory system like cough, alertness, reduce heart diseases, improved blood circulation, raised HDL ("good") & reduces LDL ("bad") cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, improved cognition & brain health etc), enzymes.
One of the main function of our Century Organic Tea is to improve the blood circulatory system so that it's or other nutrients can be deliver to all the cells in the body. Century Organic Tea improved the blood circulation by treating the cause of the bad blood circulation like regulate our Blood Pressure, regulate Blood Sugar or Glucose Level, raised HDL ("good") & reduces LDL ("bad") cholesterol and others.
The amazing beneficial properties are due to the deep roots of the century old wild tea tree with at least 10meter (33ft) deep as shown below that are able to absorb more nutrients from deep earth to nourish the tree especially the leaves. Century old wild tea tree grows naturally at high mountain with organic nutrient-rich soil and does not need any fertilizer that are commonly used on the cultivated/farmed tea tree. Due to the age and deep root, the century old wild tea tree grows much higher compare to cultivated/farmed tea tree that required the farmers to climb the tea tree in order to harvest as shown on the image and video clip below.
Our Century Organic Tea is 100% organic in every step of the process from harvest, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun and packed by hand using tea bags that are made of natural corn fiber material instead of commonly used non-woven fabrics or food grade material that are chemically produced.
* EGCG Benefits
- Protects Against Cell Damage (Antioxidant)
- Helps Fight Disease. Rich in polyphenols - Have the potential to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and many others.
- Aids in Weight Loss
- Anti Inflammation
- Increases Brain Function
- Helps in Neurological Diseases
- Boost Memory
- Helps Depression
- Helps in Liver Health
- Helps in Kidney Health
- Fight Infections
- Improved Prostate
- Stimulate Autophagy
- Anti-carcinogenic
- Boost Healthy Skin (Acne, Aging and more)
2. Why Century Organic Tea more expensive than other tea?
a. The volume of harvest is much lower compare to cultivated / farmed tea due to the limited old wild tea trees mostly in China only.
b. Harvesting is much more difficult where the farmers need to walk up the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) during harvest and then need to climb up the tree to plucked the tea leaves as shown on the image and video clip.
c. Transportation of the tea is much more difficult from the high mountain since there are no proper logistic and infrastructure.
d. Harvest period is limited to once per year compared to other farmed/cultivated organic tea that are harvested several times per year.
e. Extremely high nutrients derived from organic nutrient-rich soil at remote high mountain compare to even cultivated organic tea farmed at low land with fertilizer.
f. Strict inspection and monitoring during the whole organic process from harvest, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun to packing for final delivery to maintain the high organic quality.
3. Why do I have headache or body pain or ache after drinking Century Organic Tea?
The reason is because during the process of regulating the body to its original healthy condition, the old injuries due to external or internal causes or long period of consuming medications like pain killers or headache medication which suppressed the pain instead of curing the root cause, those pains will resurface during the process of healing the root cause. Most cases the pain will slowly reduced or stop within a week depend of the seriousness of the root cause. Please persist in drinking our Century Organic Tea and DO NOT take any pain killers when you experience pains but in case the pain is unbearable then reduce the tea consumption for the initial period. Under Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) once the root cause of the pain is resolved then the pain won't relapse again.