Century Organic Tea 百年古树茶
Our Century Organic Tea is uniquely different from other normal farmed organic tea since it is harvested once a year from at least 100-years old rare wild tea trees at the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) of Yunnan, China that contained extremely high nutrients derived from the organic nutrient-rich soil that helps to improve our overall health where most people do not experience such health benefits from other organic tea or even health supplements.
The extremely high organic nutrients of our Century Organic Tea derived from the following main factors :-
1. At least 100-years old compared to other farmed organic tea or plant-based health food that are produced from several months' or years' old plants.
2. Grew naturally at the height of more than 8 meter (26 ft) at the remote mountain more than 1,500 meter (4,921 ft) with organic nutrient-rich soil that are pollution-free.
3. Harvesting once a year allow the organic soil more time to replenish the organic nutrients compared to other farmed/cultivated organic tea or plant-based health food that are produced from plants harvested several times a year.
4. Deep roots of the century old wild tea tree with at least 10 meter (33 ft) deep can absorb more nutrients from deep earth to nourish the tree especially the leaves.
5. 100% organic in every step of the process right to your home from grown naturally without fertilizer, harvested by hand on top of a tree, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun and packed by hand using tea bags made of natural corn fiber material instead of commonly used non-woven fabrics or food grade material that are chemically produced.
The nutrients are *Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), Antioxidants, Calorie Free, an amino acid called L-theanine, Polysaccharides and many more beneficial properties that helps in improving our overall health.
Other beneficial properties, Catechin (powerful anti-oxidation and anti-aging effect), Vitamin C, Potassium (reduce high blood pressure, prevent strokes, reduce other heart diseases), Minerals (Calcium, Manganese, etc), Methylxanthines (helps in respiratory system like cough, alertness, reduce heart diseases, improved blood circulation, raised HDL ("good") & reduces LDL ("bad") cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, improved cognition & brain health etc), enzymes.
One of the main function of our Century Organic Tea is to improve the blood circulatory system so that it's or other nutrients can be deliver to all the cells in the body. Century Organic Tea improved the blood circulation by treating the cause of the bad blood circulation like regulate our Blood Pressure, regulate Blood Sugar or Glucose Level, raised HDL ("good") & reduces LDL ("bad") cholesterol and others.
Most of our diseases, illnesses or injuries can be treated if our blood circulation function at the optimum level. The blood circulatory system delivers nutrients and oxygen to and waste from all cells in the body. A Healthy Immune System that have sufficient nutrients and oxygen can produce the necessary amount of immune or white blood cells to any destinations that need attention for recoveries. Similar to an analogy "To extinguish a Fire, the Water and Hose need to operate at the optimum level". Fire represent Diseases, Water & Nutrients represent Blood and Hose represent the Vessels.
Watch the video below to master a simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Diagnosis to Detect Potential Stroke, Heart Diseases and other illnesses caused by Bad Blood Circulation before it Happens and How our Century Organic Tea helps.
The followings are some of the health benefits: -
Eyes Benefits - Improvement on eye illnesses like Floaters, Presbyopia, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Night Blindness, and many others.
Other Health Benefits - Cured or reduced night-time urination (Nocturia) and uric acid, regulate blood sugar or glucose level and improved how the body metabolized sugar or glucose, improve kidney functions, helps in skin diseases, thyroid, prostate, insomnia, reduce tumor, reduce inflammation, reduce risk of heart attack and stroke, slimming, anti-ageing, hair growth, increase libido, boost in immune system, regulate blood pressure, lower “Bad” LDL Cholesterol, helps in relaxation, improve alertness & focus, reduced side effect or discomfort after vaccination and many more.
Upon our advice, most of our customers have reduced or stopped their medication after consulting their doctor once they experienced improvement in their illnesses while consuming our Century Organic Tea. Under Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we believe all medications or drugs have side effects that will results in continuous health problems if it is not reduce or stop at early stage.
Our Century Organic Tea earned the title as a Miracle Super Supplement by locals after experiencing Amazing Health Benefits when we started in mid 2021.
Let our customers speak for us by clicking here REVIEWS to address any doubts or disbelieves.
The amazing beneficial properties are due to the deep roots of the century old wild tea tree with at least 10meter (33ft) deep as shown below that can absorb more nutrients from deep earth to nourish the tree especially the leaves. Century old wild tea tree grows naturally at high mountain with organic nutrient-rich soil and does not need any fertilizer that are commonly used on the cultivated/farmed tea tree. Due to the age and deep root, the century old wild tea tree grows much higher compare to cultivated/farmed tea tree that required the farmers to climb the tea tree in order to harvest as shown on the image and video clip below.
Our Century Organic Tea is 100% organic in every step of the process right to your home from harvest, traditional wok hand-roast & dried under the sun and packed by hand using tea bags made of natural corn fiber material instead of commonly used non-woven fabrics or food grade material that are chemically produced.
Century Organic Tea is also the best tea for prostate gland. It can be consumed as part of a proactive approach to maintaining prostate health and other potential benefits such as reduced urinary symptoms and improved overall well-being.
It can also be called the best tea for hormonal acne which regulates hormone levels, reduces inflammation, and reduces acne. It can be a natural and complementary addition to a skincare regimen.
It is often called the best tea to lower bad cholesterol. It helps to reduce elevated levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol in the body. Drinking this tea as part of a heart-healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and regular exercise, may contribute to better cholesterol management.
* EGCG Benefits
- Protects Against Cell Damage (Antioxidant)
- Helps Fight Disease. Rich in polyphenols - Have the potential to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, and many others.
- Aids in Weight Loss
- Anti Inflammation
- Increases Brain Function
- Helps in Neurological Diseases
- Boost Memory
- Helps Depression
- Helps in Liver Health
- Helps in Kidney Health
- Fight Infections
- Improved Prostate
- Stimulate Autophagy
- Anti-carcinogenic
- Boost Healthy Skin (Acne, Aging and more)
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In case you experienced difficulties during ordering please contact us for more guidance or Free Online Health Consultation based on TCM.
Start Now to Regain your Original Health in a Natural Ways.
Make Century Organic Tea Part of your Daily Diet for a Healthy Future.
Healthy Body, Healthy Eye.
Lifelong Medication is Not a Lifelong Health.
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We are not responsible for the effectiveness, safety and overall product quality for these counterfeit products, so we are apprehensive about the possibility of damage to the health of the customer.